Creating Video Ads on WS.WebTV Professional
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There are two types:
Channel Ad: This type of Ad applies when watching a Channel. A Channel Ad is a clickable Video that is inserted automatically into a Channel's playlist, based on an insertion pattern.
Clip Pre-Roll:
This type of Ad applies when watching a single Clip (when visiting the page of a Clip). A Clip Pre-Roll is a special, clickable, Video that is played back before the requested Clip.
In any case, you can choose whether the Ad can be "skipped" or not.
The Ad:
Original Channel's Playlist:
Example 1: Ad inserted every #1 Clip.
Example 2: Ad inserted every #1 Clip and configured to be the first Clip of the Channel (a Pre-Roll...).
Example 3: Ad inserted every #2 Clips.
Example 4: Ad inserted every #2 Clips and configured to be the first Clip of the Channel (a Pre-Roll...).
1. Goto to the Ads page...
2. Once on the Ad list...
(A) To create an Ad click on "New Ad..." button and select "Standard".
(B) To edit an existing Ad click the corresponding "pencil" icon.
The creation and edition interfaces are very similar, however, when you are editing an Ad you will see additional tabs, options and information.
3. The Properties Tab...
On the Properties tab is where you enter the basic Clip information:
• Title: Enter the Ad title (normally, the word "Ad" or "Publicity" is included on Ad titles).
• Image: Supply an image to use as thumbnail (optionally).
Drag and Drop Tip:
If you are using recent versions of Chrome/Safari, Firefox or Opera, you can drag and drop your image file to the image field.
You can use the sample image, temporarily, to complete this tutorial.
• Aspect: Select the aspect ratio of the Clip (4:3, 16:9, etc.).
• Duration: Approximate duration of the video (for informative purpose only).
4. The Settings Tab...
On the Settings tab is where you configure the Ad behavior:
• Link: The URL that will open when the Ad is Clicked.
• Allow Skipping: To select whether the Ad can be skipped (by using the previous/next buttons) or not. If it is allowed to skip, you can specify the amount in seconds that Users need to wait before the skip buttons are enabled.
All Ads are skippable when previewed from the Back-End. In order to see the effect of the "Allow Skipping" option, visit the WebTV from the Front-End (by clicking the "Visit" button located next to the WebTV title, at the top of the page).
• Type: Select Ad type.
Type | Clip Pre-Roll (Global). When this option is selected the system will pick (randomly) one among all available Pre-Rolls to play it back at the beginning of a single Clip.These Pre-Rolls apply to any Clip. They are played back when there are no Category Pre-Roll to playback for a particular Clip.
Type | Clip Pre-Roll (Category): When this option is selected the system will pick (randomly) one among all available Pre-Rolls to play it back at the beginning of a single Clip.Category Pre-Rolls have preference over Global Pre-Rolls. They will be played back on Clips which are related to the Ad, through the Categories. NOTE: The Category relationships are strict, this means that the relationship is not inherited by parents or children (sub-Categories).
Type | Channel Ad. When this is selected, new options will appear:
• First Clip: When set to "Yes" the Ad will be inserted as the first Clip of the Channel where it is included.
• Insert Ad every # Clips: The insertion pattern.
• Insertion Offset (# Clips): This is useful when you have several Ads assigned to a Channel, with the same insertion patterm. The offset allows you "fine tune" the insertion of the Ad.
• Channels: Select the Channel(s) where you want to include the Ad.
5. Creating the Ad...
If you are creating a new Ad, and you are done editing the basic information, click the Continue button to Save the Ad. Like a Clip, after the Ad is saved, the Media tabs will appear (among others) and you will be able to upload the corresponding video files, etc.
For more information, check the Clip creation and Interactivities tutorials.
6. Activating a new Ad...
New Ads are inactive by default. In order to activate the Ad, return to the Ad list and click the "gray light bulb" icon (it will turn to yellow when active).