Creating/Editing a Portal in WS.WebTV
support, ws.webtv, home, contents, channels, portal, create, edit
What is a Portal?
A Portal is a special page which display an overview of the most recent WebTV content. It is ideal for creating the WebTV Home Page.
Creating a Portal...
1. Goto to Channels & Pages...
2. Once on Channels & Pages...
To create a Portal click on "New..." button and select "Portal".
To edit an existing Portal click the corresponding "pencil" icon.
The creation and edition interfaces are very similar, however, the editing interface contains additional tabs, options and information.
3. The Properties Tab...
On the Properties tab is where you enter the basic Channel information:
• Title: Enter a descriptive Channel name, as short as possible. The title will be used on the menus.
• Slug: This is for friendly URLs. You can leave this field blank and the system will generate it automatically when saving.
• Description: (Optional) You can enter an introductory text here, if you wish. As you can see, we have included the popular TinyMCE editor that allows you to apply format to your content.
• Abstract/SEO Description: This description will be used for SEO.
• Tags/Keywords: Write some representative keywords for your Channel (comma-separated).
• Menu inclusion: Whether to include the Channel in any of the WebTV's menus.
• Template: Select one among the avilable templates for the Channel (if any). WS.WebTV can handle multiple templates for Channels.
In this section you will find the image slider options
• Add item type prefix to titles: Select whether you want the system to prefix the item type to the titles.
For example: "Video: Video title...", "News: News title..."
• Generation Mode:
» Auto (Legacy): This is the old generation mode (for compatibility with versions prior to 1.7.5). The system will generate the slider using elements from the item list (from previous section).
• Generate Slider from: Select which items should be used to generate the image slider. If you select "All" or "Clips+Channels", you can specify the total amount of items; otherwise the number of items on the item list will be used.
» Auto (Selective): This mode lets you select the items to include in the slider.
• Generate Slider from: Select the item types (which ones and how many - maximum amount) you want to include in the image slider.
Custom Slider Items:
In this
section you can add custom items to the slider and specify if the items should be inserted before or after the automatically generated items. To add items simply click the "New Item" button.
Portal item list:
In this section you can specify what items to include in the Portal item list. For each type you can specify the inclusion option (for example, only include "featured" items) the maximum amount, the title and the ordering.
4. Done editing...
Once you are done editing the Channel, click the Save button.
5. Activating a new Channel...
New Channels are inactive by default. In order to activate the Channel, return to the Channel list and click the "gray light bulb" icon (it will turn to yellow when active).