Creating a menu in WS.WebTV
support, ws.webtv, home, contents, menu, creating, custom
Since WS.WebTV version; you can create you own Main and Footer Menus. Custom Menus can include Channels, Categories and Links. In this tutorial we explain how to create a Menu.
1. Go to the Menus page...
Click on "New Menu" button.
2. The creation page...
Title: Enter a title for the Menu (for your reference).
Zone: Select the zone (Main/Footer) where the Menu will appear.
Class (CSS): - Optional - This is intended for designer. You can leave this field blank.
Once you are done, click the Save button.
Activating a Menu...
New Menus are inactive by default. In order to activate it, return to the Menu list and click the "gray light bulb" icon (it will turn to yellow when active).
Note: If there are no active Menus, the WebTV will auto generate them. Check out the Auto-Menus tutorial for more info.
3. Editing the Menu...
A) Click this button to manage the Menu Items.
B) Click this button to edit the Menu.
1. Creating an Item...
In order to create Menu Items you have several options:
A) Click the New Menu Item button to create Items, manually.
B) Rollover the Utilities button to see the avaliable automated creation tools. This can save you a lot of time.
For this tutorial, we will show you how to create Items and submenus manually: Click on New Menu Item button.
2. The creation page...
Title: Enter a title for the Item. Keep in mind that an Item is a Menu button; therefore try to keep it as short as possible.
Parent: If this is a submenu Item, select the parent Item here. You can have up to 5 submenu levels (more about submenus, bellow).
Type: The type of Item: Channel / Category / Link
Class (CSS): - Optional - This is intended for designer. You can leave this field blank.
Type-specific fields:
Channel: Select the corresponding Channel from the drop-down if this is Channel type Item.
Category: Select the corresponding Category from the drop-down if this is Category type Item.
In case of a link type Item:
URL: Enter the URL for the link. The URL must be absolute (start with http://... or https://...)
NOTE: In case you want to link internal URLs like the Category, Gallery, News, Event lists, we recommend you to enter the corresponding special label in the URL field (not the absolute URL):
- Category list: {url.?go=index&do=categories}
- Channel list (latest channels): {url.?go=index&do=channels}
- Channel list (upcoming channels): {url.?go=index&do=upcomingchannels}
- Clip list (latest videos): {url.?go=index&do=videos}
- Clip list (upcoming videos): {url.?go=index&do=upcomingvideos}
- Event list: {url.?go=index&do=events}
- Gallery list: {url.?go=index&do=galleries}
- News list: {url.?go=index&do=news}
- Page list (latest pages): {url.?go=index&do=pages}
Target: Select the desired target for the link.
Creating a submenu...
For this example, we are creating a submenu named "Movies", which does not have any parent.
Title: Enter the title for the Item.
Parent: Select None
Type: Select Link
URL: Enter the following character: #
Creating an Item for the "Movies" submenu...
- Return to the Menu Item list (back button) and create a New Item.
For this example, let's create a submenu Item named "Action".
- Fill in the corresponding fields and
select "Movies" from the parent drop-down. Then Save.
Return to the Menu Item list (back button) and you will see that Action is a "child" of the Movies Item.
Note: In the following image you will also see additional Items and submenu Items, that we have created for this tutorial, so you can get a better idea of how a Menu looks like.
Documentals, Series, News, Internet and Movies are "root" Items, which have no parent Item.
Action, Adventure, Animation, Terror and Drama are "children" Menu Items which have Movies as parent Item.
3. Sorting out the Items...
You can modify the Items position anytime; simply click the "Sort Out Menu" button.
...The list will turn into a "draggable"
list. Just drag and drop the Items and arrage them as desired.
To save the new positions click the Save button located at the top-right.
If you want to cancel the operation, click the Cancel button.
Note: You can only drag and drop Items inside the same level/submenu (which share the same parent).
"Home": The first menu item alias.
The system automatically rename the first menu item as "Home". If you want to change this behaviour and display the actual menu item name, go to Configuration > Settings > General | Menu and set the option "Main menu: Use first item alias"as No; then save.
4. The resulting Menu...
Let's take a look at the generated Menu in the WebTV (first item alias disabled).
Note: Remember the Menu has to be active!
You will find additional menu configuration options in: Configuration > Settings > Menus